2204. If the UK came back to these characters, what would change? ⼕+一+一 貝+一+、 ⼻+ト+日+、 マ+田+一 一+、+己

⼕+一+一  The "Hakogamae" radical - box / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one

貝+一+、  KAI - shellfish / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / Comma

⼻+ト+日+、  The "Gyouninben" radical - step, stride, street, to go / Katakana "To" or The "Boku" radical - oracle / NICHI, JITSU, hi, ka - sun, day / Comma

マ+田+一  Katakana "Ma" / DEN, ta - paddy field / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one

一+、+己  ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / Comma / KO, KI, onore - self

If UK comes backwards it is KU. Add ク (Katakana "Ku") to the characters to give different characters!  

医  I - medicine, healing

敗  HAI, yabu(reru) - be defeated

復  FUKU - return, be restored

勇  YUU, isa(mu) - be spirited, lively, encouraged

妃  HI - princess