3060. Use the following characters to make five other kanji. 金 西 丁 兼 尉 復 岡 キ 心 言

金 KIN, kane - gold

西 SAE, SEI, nishi - west

丁 CHOU, TEI - counter, block

兼 KEN, ka(neru) - combine, double as, cannot

尉 I - officer

復 FUKU - return, be restored

岡 KOU, oka - hill

キ Katakana "Ki" or The "Tehen" radical - hand

心 SHIN, kokoro - heart

言 GEN, GON, i(u), koto - say, speech

Pair them like this: 金+岡 言+兼 西+復 キ+丁 尉+心

鋼 KOU, hagane - steel

謙 KEN - modesty, humility

覆 FUKU, oo(u), kutsugae(ru), kutsugae(su) - cover, conceal, overturn

打 DA, u(tsu) - hit, strike

慰 I, nagusa(meru), nagusa(mu) - comfort, console, amuse