3051. Each of these characters has a twin, another character that looks almost exactly the same. Can you find them? 疑 擬 凝 某 汗

疑 GI, utaga(u) - doubt, suspect, distrust

擬 GI - imitate

凝 GYOU, ko(ru), ko(rasu) - grow stiff, be engrossed

某 BOU - a certain, unnamed

汗 KAN, ase - sweat

There may of course be others, but these are what I found.

擬 GI - imitate

凝 GYOU, ko(ru), ko(rasu) - grow stiff, be engrossed

疑 GI, utaga(u) - doubt, suspect, distrust

菓 KA - cake, fruit

江 KOU, e - inlet, bay