3046. These characters need a little sunshine in their life. Why? T+一+一+一+|+L ニ+|+又+土 、+厂+ニ+| 米+|+|+一 手+一

T+一+一+一+|+L Alphabet "T" / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke / Alphabet "L" or 乚 IN, kaku(reru) - hide

ニ+|+又+土 Katakana "Ni" or NI, futa(tsu), futa - two / The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke / mata - again, also, moreover / DO, tsuchi - earth, soil

、+厂+ニ+| Comma / The "Gandare" radical - cliff / Katakana "Ni" or NI, futa(tsu), futa - two / The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke 

米+|+|+一 BEI, MAI, kome - rice / The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one

手+一 SHU, te - hand / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one

Add 日(NICHI, JITSU, hi, ka - sun, day), and brighten their day!

面 MEN, omote, omo - front, face, mask

軽 KEI, karu(i), karo(yaka) - light

庫 KO, KU - storehouse

粗 SOU, ara(i) - coarse, rough

看 KAN - see