3021. Break up these characters to make other characters from the parts. 目 白 干 呼 主

目 MOKU, me - eye

白 HAKU, BYAKU, shiro(i), shira - white

干 KAN, hi(ru), ho(su) - get dry, dry, drink up

呼 KO, yo(bu) - call, send for, invite, name

主 SHU, nushi, omo - lord, main

This is how they come out.

由 YUU, YU, YUI, yoshi - reason, cause

甲 KOU, KAN - first in a series, high voice

工 KOU, KU - artisan, skill, work

和 WA, yawa(rageru), nago(yaka) - peace, harmony

玉 GYOKU, tama - jewel