3016. Use the following characters to make five other kanji. 月 欠 竹 シ 由 糸 文 包 口 共

月 GETSU, GATSU, tsuki - moon, month

欠 KETSU, ka(ku), ka(keru) - lack

竹 CHIKU, take - bamboo

シ Katakana "Shi" or The "Sanzui" radical - water

由 YUU, YU, YUI, yoshi - reason, cause

糸 SHI, ito - thread

文 TAI, TSUI - against, pair

包 HOU, tsutsu(mu) - wrap

口 KOU, kuchi - mouth

共 KYOU, tomo - together, both, all

Pair them like this: 月+包 竹+由 シ+共 糸+文 口+欠

胞 HOU - sac, sheath, placenta

笛 TEKI, fue - flute, whistle

洪 KOU - flood, inundation, vast

紋 MON - crest, pattern

吹 SUI, fu(ku) - blow