3015. What would make these characters the next big thing? 八+|+斗 ⼇+見 |+十+豆+寸 市+|+頁 |+官

八+|+斗 HACHI, ya(ttsu), ya(tsu), ya, yo - eight / The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke / TO - unit of volume

⼇+見 The "Nabefuta" radical - lid, top / KEN, mi(ru) - look, see

|+十+豆+寸 The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke / JUU, tou, to - ten / TOU, ZU, mame - bean, pea / SUN - unit of length

市+|+頁 SHI, ichi - city, market / The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke / KETSU, peeji - page

|+官 The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke / KAN - government, authorities

Add 大 (DAI, oo(kii) - big) to get the bigger picture!

料 RYOU - material, fee

規 KI - standard, measure

樹 JU - tree, bush

頼 RAI, tano(mu), tano(moshii), tayo(ru) - request, entrust, depend on

棺 KAN, hitsugi - coffin