3009. Pair these characters off with the character with the opposite meaning. 弓 握 遊 教 働 習 負 矢 放 克

They should end up like this. 弓+矢 習+教 遊+働 克+負 握+放

弓 KYUU, yumi - archery bow

矢 SHI, ya - arrow

習 SHUU, nara(u) - learn

教 KYOU, oshi(eru), osa(waru) - teach, learn

遊 YUU, YU, aso(bu) - play, be idle, amuse onself

働 DOU, hatara(ku) - work

克 KOKU - conquer

負 FU, ma(keru), o(u) - defeat, lose, bear a load

握 AKU, nigi(ru) - grasp, grip, take hold of

放 HOU, hana(reru), hana(tsu), hana(su) - to let loose, release, emit