2999. Use the following characters to make five other kanji. 戸 公 奇 析 同 口 山 月 言 竹

戸 KO, to - door

公 KOU, ooyake - public

奇 KI - strange, curious

析 SEKI - divide, take apart, analyze

同 DOU, TOU, ona(ji) - same

口 KOU, kuchi - mouth

山 SAN, yama - mountain

月 GETSU, GATSU, tsuki - moon, month

言 GEN, GON, i(u), koto - say, speech

竹 CHIKU, take - bamboo

Pair them like this: 戸+月 析+口 竹+同 山+奇 言+公

肩 KEN, kata - shoulder

哲 TETSU - wisdom

筒 TOU, tsutsu - pipe, tube

崎 saki - cape, headland

訟 SHOU - accuse