2998. Each of these characters has a twin, another character that looks almost exactly the same. Can you find them? 徹 項 滴 概 慨

徹 TETSU - pierce, go through

項 KOU - item, clause, paragraph

滴 TEKI, shizuku, shitata(ru) - drop, drip, trickle

概 GAI - general

辛 SHIN, kara(i) - hot, spicy, trying

There may of course be others, but these are what I found.

撤 TETSU - withdraw, remove

頂 CHOU, itadaki, itada(ku) - top, peak, summit, receive

摘 TEKI, tsu(mu)  - pick, pluck, nip

慨 GAI - regret, lament

宰 SAI - manage, rule