2957. Pair these characters off with the character with the opposite meaning. 白 鎖 引 干 濡 押 被 脱 披 黒

They should end up like this. 白+黒 干+濡 押+引 脱+被 披+鎖

白 HAKU, BYAKU, shiro(i), shira - white

黒 KOKU, kuro(i) - black

干 KAN, hi(ru), ho(su) - get dry, dry, drink up

濡 JU, nu(reru), nu(rasu), uruo(u) - wet, glistening

押 OU, o(su), o(saeru) - push, suppress

引 IN, hi(ku), hi(keru) - pull, attract, lower price

脱 DATSU, nu(gu), nu(geru) - take off omit, escape, come off

被 HI, koumu(ru) - incur, suffer, receive

披 HI - open

鎖 SA, kusari - close, shut, chain