2920. Which one of these is the odd one out and what's the big deal about it? 敵 麦 抵 層 衆

敵 TEKI, kataki - enemy, opponent

麦 BAKU, mugi - wheat, barley, rye, oats

抵 TEI - resist

層 SOU - layer

衆 SHUU, SHU - multitude, public, populace

All take 大 (DAI, oo(kii) - big) in front to make a word, but only 麦 uses the "Oo" reading (Oomugi); the others are all "Tai/Dai-":

大敵 TAITEKI - a strong enemy

大麦 oomugi - barley

大抵 TAITEI - normally, the norm

大層 TAISOU - huge, extreme

大衆 TAISHUU - the public, society