2914. These characters are Ronin - in search of a master! 口+刀+大 ノ+大 米+月 糸+貝 ⼁+⼁+ル+ム+未

口+刀+大 KOU, kuchi - mouth / TOU, katana - sword / DAI, oo(kii) - big

ノ+大 Katakana "No" or The "No" radical - diagonal sweeping stroke / DAI, oo(kii) - big

米+月 BEI, MAI, kome - rice / GETSU, GATSU, tsuki - moon, month

糸+貝 SHI, ito - thread / KAI - shellfish

⼁+⼁+ル+ム+未 The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke / Katakana "Ru" or The "Hitoashi" radical - human legs / Katakana "Mu" or The "Mu" radical - private / MI - not yet

Add 主 (SHU, nushi, omo - lord, main), and their lord and master awaits them!

喫 KITSU - eat, drink, smoke

美 BI, MI, utsuku(shii) - beautiful, beauty

精 SEI, SHOU - spirit, integrity, vitality

績 SEKI - achievements, spinning

魅 MI - charm, enchant, fascinate