市+市+、+I+I+口+比 SHI, ichi - city, market / Comma / Alphabet "I" / KOU, kuchi - mouth / HI, kura(beru) - compare
、+一+U+火+え Comma / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / Alphabet "U" / KA, hi - fire / Hiragana "E" or The "Shinnyou" radical - road, walk, to advance
、+、+T+亅+延 Comma / Alphabet "T" / The "Hanebou" radical - vertical stroke with a hook / EN, noba(su), no(biru), no(beru) - lengthen, prolong, postpone
白+小 HAKU, BYAKU, shiro(i), shira - white / SHOU, chii(sai), ko - small
十+目 JUU, tou, to - ten / MOKU, me - eye
Add ⼚ (The Gandare radical - cliff), and pull them back from the edge!
麗 REI, uruwa(shii) - beautiful, pretty
遮 SHA, saegi(ru) - interrupt, obstruct, block
艇 TEI - small boat
原 GEN , hara - original, plain
盾 JUN, tate - shield