2885. Pair these characters off with the character with the opposite meaning. 両 悲 枯 悦 酷 片 貰 払 優 咲

They should end up like this. 両+片 払+貰 枯+咲 悦+悲 酷+優

両 RYOU - both

片 HEN, kata - part, one of two

払 FUTSU, hara(u) - pay, sweep away

貰 SEI, mora(u) - receive

枯 KO, ka(reru), ka(rasu) - wither

咲 sa(ku) - bloom

悦 ETSU - joy

悲 HI, kana(shii) - sad, be sad, lament

酷 KOKU - severe, harsh, cruel

優 YUU, sugu(reru), yasa(shii)  - excel, gentle, tender