2869. Pair these characters off with the character with the opposite meaning. 同 願 柔 異 悦 砕 叶 哀 直 固

They should end up like this. 同+異 願+叶 固+柔 悦+哀 砕+直

同 DOU, TOU, ona(ji) - same

異 I, koto(naru)  - be different 

願 GAN, nega(u) - request, desire

叶 KYOU, kana(u) - grant, fulfill

固 KO, kata(i), kata(maru) - hard, harden  

柔 JUU, NYUU, yawa(rakai) - soft

悦 ETSU - joy

哀 AI, awa(re), awa(remu) - sorrowful, pity, sympathise

砕 SAI, kuda(keru), kuda(ku) - break, smash, pulverise

直 CHOKU, tadachi, nao(su) - honest, fix, immediately