2821. Each of these characters has a twin, another character that looks almost exactly the same. Can you find them? 偏 遺 追 綿 水

偏 HEN, katayo(ru) - lean, incline, be partial

遺 I, YUI - leave behind, bequeath

追 TSUI, o(u) - drive away, pursue 

綿 MEN, wata - cotton

水 SUI, mizu  - water

There may of course be others, but these are what I found.

倫 RIN - principle, code

遣 KEN, tsuka(wasu), tsuka(u) - send, give, use

迫 HAKU, sema(ru) - press, urge, approach, draw near

線 SEN - line

氷 HYOU, kouri, hi, kou(ru) - ice, freeze