2813. Pair these characters off with the character with the opposite meaning. 高 貰 汚 等 安 迷 逆 贈 粋 導

They should end up like this. 高+安 等+逆 迷+導 贈+貰 粋+汚

高 KOU, taka(i) - high

安 AN, yasu(i) - peace, cheap

等 TOU, hito(shii) - equal, grade

逆 GYAKU, saka, saka(rau) - reverse, be opposite to

迷 MEI, mayo(u) - get lost, go astray, be perplexed

導 DOU, michibi(ku) - lead, guide

贈 ZOU, SOU, oku(ru) - give, present, bestow

貰 SEI, mora(u) - receive

粋 SUI - purity, essence, elegant

汚 O, kitana(i), yogo(su), kega(rawashii) - dirty