2804. What can we add to these characters to make them bamboozled? 干 呑+冋 匡 毛 離

干 KAN, hi(ru), ho(su) - get dry, dry, drink up

呑+冋 DON, no(mu) - to drink / KEI, KYOU, enagamae, dougamae, masagamae - desert, prairie

匡 KYOU, tada(su) - to fix, repair

毛 MOU, ke - hair, fur

離 RI, hana(reru), hana(su) - separate, leave, keep apart

Add 竹 (CHIKU, take - bamboo) and watch new kanji shoot out from them!

竿 KAN, sao, fuda - pole

簥 KYOU - musical instrument, flute

筺 KYOU, katami, kago - basket

笔 fude - calligraphy brush

籬 RI, makaki, kaki - hedge, fence

念 NEN - thought, concern