2789. These five characters are also better known in a different form. Recognize them? 多 千 川 天 止

多  TA, oo(i) - many, much

千  SEN, chi - thousand

川  SEN, kawa - river

天  TEN, ame, ama - heaven

止  SHI, to(meru), to(maru) - stop

They are the kanji on which the following katakana are based.  

タ  Katakana "Ta" or The "Yuube" radical - evening

チ  Katakana "Chi" or The "Kan" radical - to dry, shield

ツ  Katakana "Tsu" or The "Tsu" radical - Katakana Tsu

テ  Katakana "Te"

ト  Katakana "To" or The "Boku" radical - oracle