2774. What can I say about these characters to make you see them differently? 音+戈 敬 井+再 犾 罒+リ

音+戈  ON, IN, oto, ne - sound / KA, hoko - spear

敬  KEI, uyama(u) - respect, revere

井+再  SEI, SHOU, i - well / SAI, SA, futata(bi) - once more, again, twice

犾  GIN - dogfight

罒+リ  The "Yokome" radical - eye / Katakana "Ri" or The "Rittou" radical - knife, sword

Add 言 (GEN, GON, i(u), koto - say, speech) so that they can say something else!  

識  SHIKI - know, discriminate

警  KEI - admonish, warn

講  KOU - club, lesson, study

獄  GOKU - prison

罰  BATSU, BACHI - punishment, penalty