2751. Pair these characters off with the character with the opposite meaning. 新 拾 低 棄 高 峠 古 紛 峡 確 峡

They should end up like this.  新+古 低+高 棄+拾 峠+拾 紛+確

新  SHIN, atara(shii), arata, nii - new

古  KO, furu(i) - old

低  TEI, hiku(i), hiku(meru) - low, make lower

高  KOU, taka(i) - high

棄  KI - abandon, throw out

拾  SHUU, JUU, hiro(u) - pick up, find, ten in documents

峠  touge - mountain pass

峡  KYOU - gorge, ravine

紛  FUN, magi(reru), magi(rawashii) - be mistaken for, confusing

確  KAKU, tashi(ka), tashi(kameru) - make sure of, verify