2714. What would happen if these characters got their claws into you? 糸+一+友 ⽲+旧 ン+|+寸+大 言+工+山 キ+工+山

糸+一+友  SHI, ito - thread / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / YUU, tomo - friend

⽲+旧  The "Nogihen" radical - grain / KYUU, KU - old, former

ン+|+寸+大  Katakana "N" or The "Nisui" radical - ice / The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke / SUN - unit of length / DAI, oo(kii) - big

言+工+山  GEN, GON, i(u), koto - say, speech / KOU, KU - artisan, skill, work / SAN, yama - mountain

キ+工+山Katakana "Ki" or The "Tehen" radical - hand / KOU, KU - artisan, skill, work / SAN, yama - mountain  

Add ⺤ (The "Tsumekanmuri" radical - claw, nail) and you've nailed them down!  

緩  KAN, yuru(mu), yuru(i), yuru(yaka) - loose, slacken, slow, gentle

稲  TOU, ine, ina - rice plant

奨  SHOU - urge, encourage

謡  YOU, uta(u) - sing, song, Noh chant

揺  YOU, yu(reru), yu(ragu), yu(suru), yu(saburu) - shake, sway, vibrate, rock