2635. These characters need a few laughs, how can we cheer them up? ⺾+世+十 ⼧+人+口 十+⼍+⺓+| 亅+⾉+⺛ 敬+|+工+十+フ

⺾+世+十  The "Kusakanmuri" radical - grass / SEI, SE, yo - world, era / JUU, tou, to - ten

⼧+人+口  The "Ukanmuri" radical - roof, house / JIN, NIN, hito - person / KOU, kuchi - mouth

十+⼍+⺓+|  JUU, tou, to - ten / The "Wakanmuri" radical - cover, crown / The "Itogashira" radical - young, slight / The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke

亅+⾉+⺛  The "Hanebou" radical - vertical stroke with a hook / The "Kon" radical - boundary / The "Munyou" radical - not

敬+|+工+十+フ  KEI, uyama(u) - respect, revere / The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke / KOU, KU - artisan, skill, work / JUU, tou, to - ten / Katakana "Hu"

Add 八 (HACHI, ya(ttsu), ya(tsu), ya, yo - eight), which also looks like a Katakana "Ha".  

葉  YOU, ha - leaf, foliage

容  YOU - form, appearance, content

索  SAKU - rope, cord, search for

慨  GAI - regret, lament

驚  KYOU, odoro(ku), odoro(kasu) - surprise, astonish, frighten