2601. Break up these characters to make other characters from the parts. 目 白 果 吟 旦

目  MOKU, me - eye

白  HAKU, BYAKU, shiro(i), shira - white

果  KA, ha(tasu) - fruit, result, come to an end

吟  GIN - sing, chant, recite

旦  TAN, DAN, akira, tadashi, asa - morning 

This is how they come out.  

田  DEN, ta - paddy field

田  DEN, ta - paddy field

味  MI, aji , aji(wau) - taste

含  GAN, fuku(mu), fuku(meru) - hold, include, contain

由  YUU, YU, YUI, yoshi - reason, cause