2570. Pair these characters off with the character with the opposite meaning. 乏 答 考 運 隆 賑 災 尋 行 渋

They should end up like this. 答+尋 考+行 隆+乏 災+運 渋+賑  

答  TOU, kotae - answer

尋  JIN, tazu(neru) - search for, ask, inquire

考  KOU, kanga(eru) - think, consider

行  GYOU, KO, i(ku) - go, line, act

隆  RYUU - prosperity, high

乏  BOU, tobo(shii) - poor

災  SAI, wazawa(i) - misfortune, disaster

運  UN, hako(bu) - fate, carry, transport

渋  JUU, shibu(i), shibu(ru) - glum, quiet, hesitate, reluctant

賑  SHIN, nigi(yaka), nigiwa(u) - lively, noisy