2558. One small addition to these characters would make them very different. How? T+人+斗 王+十+、+八 一+凡 言+甘+一 人+工+一+段

T+人+斗  Alphabet "T" / JIN, NIN, hito - person / TO - unit of volume

王+十+、+八  OU - king / JUU, tou, to - ten / Comma / HACHI, ya(ttsu), ya(tsu), ya, yo - eight

一+凡  ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / BON, HAN - common, ordinary

言+甘+一  GEN, GON, i(u), koto - say, speech / KAN, ama(i), ama(eru), ama(yakasu) - sweet, indulgent, coax, optimistic / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one

人+工+一+段  JIN, NIN, hito - person / KOU, KU - artisan, skill, work / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / DAN - step, stairs, rank

Add 小 (SHOU, chii(sai), ko - small) for a big change!  

料  RYOU - material, fee

球  KYUU, tama - ball, sphere

帆  HAN, ho - sail

謀  BOU, MU, haka(ru) - plan, plot, deceive

鍛  TAN, kita(eru) - forge, temper, drill, discipline