2480. How would you size up these characters? If you give them an inch... キ+八+西+一 ⼴+イ+肉 ⽜+土 竹+シ+十+、+田 ⺨+⼧

キ+八+西+一  Katakana "Ki" or The "Tehen" radical - hand / HACHI, ya(ttsu), ya(tsu), ya, yo - eight / SAE, SEI, nishi - west / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one

⼴+イ+肉  The "Madare" radical - slanting roof / Katakana "I" or The "Ninben" radical - person / NIKU - meat, flesh

⽜+土  The "Ushi" radical - cow / DO, tsuchi - earth, soil

竹+シ+十+、+田  CHIKU, take - bamboo / Katakana "Shi" or The "Sanzui" radical - water / JUU, tou, to - ten / Comma / DEN, ta - paddy field

⺨+⼧  The "Kemonohen" radical - beast / The "Ukanmuri" radical - roof, house

Add 寸 (SUN - a unit of length close to one inch) to give different characters  

撙  SON, osa(eru) - suppress

腐  FU, kusa(ru), kusu(reru), kusa(rasu) - rotten, rot, go bad, spoil, corrode

特  TOKU - special

簿  BO - record book, ledger, register

狩  SHU, ka(ri), ka(ru) - hunting