2423. They say the pen is mightier than the sword. How can we make these characters mightier? 走+口 乗 メ 倉 金+人+一

走+口  SOU, hashi(ru) - run / KOU, kuchi - mouth

乗  JOU, no(ru), no(seru) - ride, board, be fooled

メ  Katakana "Me"

倉  SOU, kura - storehouse, warehouse

金+人+一  KIN, kane - gold / JIN, NIN, hito - person / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one

Use your pen to add  a sword; 刀/リ (Tou, katana, the "Rittou" radical - sword)!  

超  CHOU, ko(su), ko(eru) - cross, go over, exceed

剰  JOU - surplus

刈  ka(ru) - cut hair, clip, mow

創  SOU - creation

鈴  REI, RIN, suzu - bell