2358. Use the following characters to make five other kanji. 隊 支 善 吉 口 言 土 井 月 糸

隊  TAI - party, squad, unit

支  SHI, sasa(eru) - branch, support

善  ZEN, yo(i) - good

吉  KICHI, KITSU, yoshi - good luck

口  KOU, kuchi - mouth

言  GEN, GON, i(u), koto - say, speech

土  DO, tsuchi - earth, soil

井  SEI, SHOU, i - well

月  GETSU, GATSU, tsuki - moon, month

糸  SHI, ito - thread

Pair them like this: 隊+土 糸+善 口+井 言+吉 月+支  

墜  TSUI - fall to pieces, collapse, demolish

繕  ZEN, tsukuro(u) - repair, mend

囲  I, kako(u), kako(mu) - surround, enclose, besiege

詰  KITSU, tsu(mu), tsu(meru), tsu(maru) - pack into, stuff, shorten

肢  SHI - limbs