2345. What characters can be added here so that each character contains a part of the previous character? a) 妄 -> _ -> _ -> 坊 b) 暦 -> _ -> _ -> 鳴

a) 妄 -> 如 -> 吐 -> 坊  

妄  MOU, BOU - without reason, without authority

如  JO, NYO - equal, like, as, as if

吐  TOU, ha(ku) - spew, vomit, give vent to

坊  priest's residence, priest, boy

b) 暦 -> 早 -> 古 -> 鳴  

暦  REKI, koyomi - history

早  SOU, SA, haya(i) , haya(meru) - early, fast, hasten

古  KO, furu(i) - old

鳴  MEI, na(ku), na(ru)(rasu) - cry, sing, howl, ring