2264. Why do these characters look tasty? 今 今 衣 衣 契

今  KON, ima - now, this 

今  KON, ima - now, this 

衣  I, koromo - garment, clothing

衣  I, koromo - garment, clothing

契  KEI, chigi(ru) - pledge, vow, promise

Put them in your mouth (口 KOU, kuchi) to get a different taste of kanji!  

含  GAN, fuku(mu), fuku(meru) - hold, include, contain

吟  GIN - sing, chant, recite

哀  AI, awa(re), awa(remu) - sorrowful, pity, sympathise

衷  CHUU - heart, mind, inside

喫  KITSU - eat, drink, smoke