2236. Pair these characters off with the character with the opposite meaning. 主 渋 縫 若 了 奴 裂 明 老 未

They should end up like this.  主+奴 老+若 了+未 裂+縫 渋+明

主  SHU, nushi, omo - lord, main

奴  DO - servant, slave

老  ROU, o(iru), fu(keru) - grow old

若  JAKU, waka(i), moshikuwa - young, or

了  RYOU - finish, complete, understand

未  MI - not yet

裂  RETSU, sa(keru), sa(ku) - split, tear, rip

渋  JUU, shibu(i), shibu(ru) - glum, quiet, hesitate, reluctant

明  MEI, MYOU, aka(rui), a(keru) - bright