2158. Pair these characters off with the character with the opposite meaning. 光 沸 闇 落 健 飛 狡 潜 廉 症

They should end up like this. 光+闇 飛+落 潜+沸 症+健 廉+狡  

光  KOU, hika(ri) - shine, light

闇  AN, ON, yami - darkness, shadow

飛  HI, to(bu), to(basu) - fly, skip, omit

落  RAKU, o(chiru), o(tosu) - fall, drop, lose

潜  SEN, mogu(ru), hiso(mu) - dive, hide, lurk, crawl into

沸  FUTSU, wa(ku), wa(kasu) - boil, seethe

症  SHOU - illness

健  KEN, suko(yaka) - healthy

廉  REN - pure, honest, low price

狡  KYOU, KOU, zuru(i), warukashiko(i) - sneaky, devious