2136. Each of these characters has a twin, another character that looks almost exactly the same. Can you find them? 考 囚 思 念 仏

考  KOU, kanga(eru) - think, consider

囚  SHUU - arrest, imprison, prisoner

思  SHI, omo(u) - think, believe

念  NEN - thought, concern

仏  BUTSU, hotoke - Buddha

There may of course be others, but these are what I found.  

老  ROU, o(iru), fu(keru) - grow old

因  IN, yo(ru) - depend on, be limited to

恩  ON - kindness, good favour

含  GAN, fuku(mu), fuku(meru) - hold, include, contain

払  FUTSU, hara(u) - pay, sweep away