2117. Pair these characters off with the character with the opposite meaning. 光 健 乗 好 沈 影 患 降 嫌 浮

They should end up like this. 乗+降 光+影 沈+浮 患+健 嫌+好  

乗  JOU, no(ru), no(seru) - ride, board, be fooled

降  KOU, o(riru), o(rosu), fu(ru) - go down, descend, get off

光  KOU, hika(ri) - shine, light

影  EI, kage - light, shadow, silhouette, figure

沈  CHIN, shizu(mu), shizu(meru) - sink 

浮  FU, u(kabu), u(ku) - float, buoyant

患  KAN, wazura(u) - be ill, suffer from

健  KEN, suko(yaka) - healthy

嫌  KEN, GEN, kira(u) - dislike, hate

好  KOU, kono(mu), su(ku) - like