2110. What characters can be added here so that each character contains a part of the previous character? a) 畑 -> _ -> _ -> 貧 b) 弦 -> _ -> _ -> 繕

a) 畑 -> 累 -> 紛 -> 貧  

畑  hatake - cultivated field

累  RUI - involvement, trouble, accumulation

紛  FUN, magi(reru), magi(rawashii) - be mistaken for, confusing

貧  HIN, BIN, mazu(shii) - poor

b) 弦 -> 畜 -> 累 -> 繕  

弦  GEN, tsuru - string, bowstring

畜  CHIKU - animal raising, domestic animal

累  RUI - involvement, trouble, accumulation

繕  ZEN, tsukuro(u) - repair, mend