2080. Why are these characters not getting enough sodium in their diet? |+子 火+夕+、+、+、+⺣ ト+⾫+欠 ⺾+日+、+土 日+ノ+ト

|+子  The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke / SHI, SU, ko - child

火+夕+、+、+、+⺣  KA, hi - fire / SEKI, yuu - evening / Comma / The "Rekka" radical - fire

ト+⾫+欠  Katakana "To" or The "Boku" radical - oracle / The "Furutori" radical - small bird / KETSU, ka(ku), ka(keru) - lack

⺾+日+、+土  The "Kusakanmuri" radical - grass / NICHI, JITSU, hi, ka - sun, day / Comma / DO, tsuchi - earth, soil

日+ノ+ト  NICHI, JITSU, hi, ka - sun, day / Katakana "No" or The "No" radical - diagonal sweeping stroke / Katakana "To" or The "Boku" radical - oracle

The chemical symbol for sodium is "Na". Add ナ (Katakana "Na") to each set of characters to give the following:   

存  SON, ZON - exist, know

燃  NEN, mo(eru), mo(yasu) - burn

歓  KAN - joy, pleasure

墓  BO, haka - grave

昇  SHOU, nobo(ru) - rise, be promoted