2077. Pair these characters off with the character with the opposite meaning. 天 慢 割 没 穫 浮 地 謙 掛 蒔

They should end up like this. 天+地 割+掛 没+浮 穫+蒔 謙+慢  

天  TEN, ame, ama - heaven

地  CHI, JI - earth, land

割  KATSU, sa(ku), wa(ru), wa(reru) - break up, divide, split, tenth part

掛  ka(karu) - hang, cost, take, multiply, put on

没  BOTSU - sink, go down

浮  FU, u(kabu), u(ku) - float, buoyant

穫  KAKU - harvest

蒔  SHI, JI, ma(ku), u(eru) - to plant

謙  KEN - modesty, humility

慢  MAN - lazy, neglect