2060. Each of these characters has a twin, another character that looks almost exactly the same. Can you find them? 限 絡 眠 枝 補

限  GEN, kagi(ru) - limit

絡  RAKU, kara(mu), kara(maru) - be entangled

眠  MIN, nemu(ru), nemu(i) - sleep. sleepy, tired

枝  SHI, eda - branch

補  HO, ogina(u) - supply, compensate

There may of course be others, but these are what I found.  

眼  GAN, GON, manako - eye

略  RYAKU - abbreviation, omission

眼  GAN, GON, manako - eye

技  GI, waza - technique, ability, feat

捕  HO, to(ru), to(raeru), tsuka(maeru) - catch, grasp, be caught