2045. What would happen if these characters got wet? 忝 厓 泰 茲 尼

忝  TEN, katajikena(i) - embarrassing, shameful, wasteful

厓  GAI, GE, GI, gake, kishi, hate, katae - shore, cliff

泰  TAI - calm, peace

茲  SHI, JI, koko, kore, kono - this, here, increase

尼  NI, ama - nun

Add "氵"  (The "Sanzui" radical - water) to see what happens!  

添  TEN, so(eru), so(u) - add to, append, accompany

涯  GAI - shore, limit, end

漆  SHITSU, urushi - lacquer

滋  JI - more and more, luxuriant

泥  DEI, doro - mud