2039. How can we make these characters come out of their shell? 糸+主 火+T 小+田+一 臣+又 井+再

糸+主  SHI, ito - thread / SHU, nushi, omo - lord, main

火+T  KA, hi - fire / Alphabet "T"

小+田+一  SHOU, chii(sai), ko - small / DEN, ta - paddy field / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one

臣+又  SHIN, JIN - retainer, subject / mata - again, also, moreover

井+再  SEI, SHOU, i - well / SAI, SA, futata(bi) - once more, again, twice

Add 貝 (KAI - shellfish) to make them into a bunch of hard cases!  

績  SEKI - achievements, spinning

煩  HAN, BON, wazura(u), wazura(wasu) - worry about, be ill, suffer from

慣  KAN, na(reru), na(rasu) - get used to, tame

賢  KEN, kashiko(i) - wise, intelligent

購  KOU - buy, purchase