2033. What characters can be added here so that each character contains a part of the previous character? a) 切 -> _ -> _ -> 賜 b) 篤 -> _ -> _ -> 縛

a) 切 -> 召 -> 員 -> 賜  

切  SETSU, ki(ru), ki(reru) - cut

召  SHOU, me(su) - summon, wear, take

員  IN - member

賜  SHI, tamawa(ru) - grant, bestow, confer

b) 篤 -> 駐 -> 素 -> 縛  

篤  TOKU - serious, cordial

駐  CHUU - stop, reside

素  SO, SU - element, naked, simple

縛  BAKU, shiba(ru) - tie up, bind