2014. What can I say about these characters to make you see them differently? 普 永 亥 大+一+5 羊

普  FU - general, universal

永  EI, naga(i) - long (time)

亥  i, gai - Zodiac sign

大+一+5  DAI, oo(kii) - big / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / Number 5

羊  YOU, hitsuji - sheep

Add 言 (GEN, GON, i(u), koto - say, speech) so that they can say something else!  

譜  FU - sheet music, notes, record

詠  EI, yo(mu) - compose, write

該  GAI - the said ...

誇  KO , hoko(ru) - boast of, be proud

詳  SHOU, kuwa(shii) - detailed, full, familiar with