2004. What would happen if these characters crossed the line? (Or the line crossed them?) 一+ノ+フ+三+ヒ 女+三 广+良+3 良+3 口+ノ+日

一+ノ+フ+三+ヒ  ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / Katakana "No" or The "No" radical - diagonal sweeping stroke / Katakana "Hu" / SAN, mi(tsu), mi(ttsu), mi - three / Katakana "Hi" or The "Saji" radical - spoon

女+三  JO, NYO, NYOU, onna, me - female, woman / SAN, mi(tsu), mi(ttsu), mi - three

广+良+3  The "Madare" radical - slanting roof / RYOU, yo(i) - good / Number "3"

良+3  RYOU, yo(i) - good / Number "3"

口+ノ+日  KOU, kuchi - mouth / Katakana "No" or The "No" radical - diagonal sweeping stroke / NICHI, JITSU, hi, ka - sun, day

Add | , a straight line, to make them something different!  

承  SHOU, uketamawa(ru) - hear, be told

妊  NIN - pregnancy

廊  ROU - corridor, hall

郎  ROU - man, husband

届  todo(ku) - reach, arrive, notify, deliver