2003. Use the following characters to make five other kanji. キ 虫 車 リ 天 曽 岡 広 貝 欠

キ  Katakana "Ki" or The "Tehen" radical - hand

虫  SHOKU, sawa(ru), fu(reru) - touchCHUU, mushi - bug, insect

車  SHA, kuruma - wheel, vehicle

リ  Katakana "Ru" or The "Hitoashi" radical - human legs

天  TEN, ame, ama - heaven

曽  SOU, katsute - overlap

岡  KOU, oka - hill

広  KOU, hiro(i), hiro(geru) - wide, widen

貝  KAI - shellfish

欠  KETSU, ka(ku), ka(keru) - lack

Pair them like this: キ+広 車+欠 天+虫 岡+リ 貝+曽  

拡  KAKU - extend, expand

軟  NAN, yawa(rakai), yawa(raka) - soft

蚕  SAN, kaiko - silkworm

剛  GOU - strength, hardness

贈  ZOU, SOU, oku(ru) - give, present, bestow