1890. What characters can be added here so that each character contains a part of the previous character? a) 勅 -> _ -> _ -> 念 b) 案 -> _ -> _ -> 繕


a) 勅 -> 加 -> 吟 -> 念

勅  CHOKU - imperial decree

加  KA, kuwa(eru), kuwa(waru) - add, append, join, take part

吟  GIN - sing, chant, recite

念  NEN - thought, concern

b) 案 -> 柱 -> 素 -> 繕

案  AN - plan, proposal

柱  CHUU, hashira - pillar, column, pole

素  SO, SU - element, naked, simple

繕  ZEN, tsukuro(u) - repair, mend