1886. Use the following characters to make five other kanji. シ 言 子 支 雨 替 川 レ 山 相


シ  Katakana "Shi" or The "Sanzui" radical - water

言  GEN, GON, i(u), koto - say, speech

子  SHI, SU, ko - child

支  SHI, sasa(eru) - branch, support

雨  U, ame - rain

替  TAI, ka(eru), ka(waru) - change, replace

川  The "Sanbongawa" radical - river

レ  Katakana "Re"

山  SAN, yama - mountain

相  SOU, SHOU, ai - aspect, minister, partner

Pair them like this: シ+替 子+レ 雨+相 言+川 山+支

潜  SEN, mogu(ru), hiso(mu) - dive, hide, lurk, crawl into

孔  KOU - hole, Confucius

霜  SOU, shimo - frost

訓  KUN - Japanese reading, teaching

岐  KI - forked road