1880. What characters can be added here so that each character contains a part of the previous character? a) 弦 -> _ -> _ -> 腕 b) 晩 -> _ -> _ -> 吹


a) 弦 -> 畜 -> 胃 -> 腕

弦  GEN, tsuru - string, bowstring

畜  CHIKU - animal raising, domestic animal

胃  I - stomach

腕  WAN, ude - arm, ability, talent, skill

b) 晩 -> 勉 -> 加 -> 吹

晩  BAN - evening, night

勉  BEN - effort, hard work

加  KA, kuwa(eru), kuwa(waru) - add, append, join, take part

吹  SUI, fu(ku) - blow