1834. These characters need a few laughs, how can we cheer them up? 占 ⺓|及 イ⺌⼍口目 ⼧、し四丁 木分


占  SEN, shi(meru), urana(u) - occupy, hold, tell fortunes

⺓+|+及  The "Itogashira" radical - young, slight / The "Tatebou" radical - vertical stroke / KYUU, oyo(bu), oyo(bosu) - reach, amount to, match, equal

イ+⺌+⼍+口+目  Katakana "I" or The "Ninben" radical - person / The "Shoukanmuri" radical - small / The "Wakanmuri" radical - cover, crown / KOU, kuchi - mouth / MOKU, me - eye

⼧+、+し+四+丁  The "Ukanmuri" radical - roof, house / Comma / Hiragana "Shi"or The "Otsu" radical - the second / The "Yokome" radical - eye / CHOU, TEI - counter, block

木+分  MOKU, BOKU, ki - tree / BUN, wa(keru) , wa(karu) - divide, part, minute

Add 八 (HACHI, ya(ttsu), ya(tsu), ya, yo - eight), which also looks like a Katakana "Ha".

点  TEN - point

級  KYUU - rank, class

償  SHOU, tsuguna(u) - be compensated for, atone

寧  NEI - peaceful, quiet, rather, preferably

粉  FUN, kona, ko - powder